Hey Everybody!
I’m Trey, as you could probably tell from the name of this website.
For those who know me the best, you probably aren’t too surprised that I am doing this. For those who know me “less than best,” you might be a little surprised.
The purpose of this website is to let you in a little bit into my world – from the experiences that have shaped me, to the topics that interest me, and anything and everything else that I deem “shareable.”
For all who are reading this, welcome aboard! Join me as I just talk, as my website name describes!
Topics of Conversation

Experiences and Testimonies
Journey with me through experiences and encounters that have left profound impacts upon me - and will challenge us all to reflect upon the biggest question we all face: Is there a grand purpose to this thing we call life?

Topics of Interest
Analyze topics of interest with me, particularly pertaining to current and past events, and their correlation to things long foretold - challenging notions of what is possible or probable.

Hobbies and Activities
Follow me as I share the things that make my life what it is - from the fun to the mundane.